Memorial Day

Today we acknowledge that the ONLY reason things like representative government and free speech exist is because others were willing to die for these ideals, to die for the opportunity to protect these ideals for all of us, even those that take them for granted or outright disrespect them at times.

As the daughter of a retired Marine Corps Captain (Mustang) and the wife of an eight-year Navy veteran, both with service-related disabilities, I thank God every day that they are still here to say “thank you for your service.” But today is a day set aside to specifically remember those that did not come home, that are not here to express a “thank you” to. They made the sacrifice that every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and Marine acknowledge when they sign-on.

As we acknowledge this day of memorials, perhaps we can make a commitment to setting aside a moment EVERY day to remember why the freedoms we often take for granted actually exist.

tombstones with US flags