Thank You

With about 15 minutes left in the voting day, I’d like to take a moment to say “thank you” to everyone that took part in the process and everyone that worked our campaign. If you took the time to vote, thank you, no matter who you voted for. Participating in the process is the most important part.

I can say with certainty that we ran an intellectually honest campaign. Some things I’m proud of are:

  • All of our endorsements came through our website form; they can be verified, i.e. no need to allude to ‘supporters’ and then have no evidence posted, or worse yet, make up evidence.
  • We were pretty successful in getting signage posted, both in yards and on cars. The response was greater than anticipated and we exhausted our inventory. I think it helped create brand awareness, and we will take all of the “missing” signs as evidence that the messaging was working.
  • I showed up for a candidate forum instead of falsifying when I was notified of the event and then choosing to send a couple of hecklers instead.
  • I ran on a single message: To listen to the voice of the community. If I am fortunate enough to be elected, that is a promise that will be kept.
  • We advertised our “Meet Me in the Park” event for a full week ahead of time. The exposure was so successful, that a similar event was held on the same day. Perhaps it is true that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
  • We were proactive about what we did and not reactive.

Again, thank you. We will await the result and accept the result no matter what it is. The people will speak, as it should be.